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"April is the cruellest month"

Every year around this time, the opening line of T.S. Eliot's poem "The Waste Land" pops into my head. "April is the cruellest month..." As with all art, we'll put our personal interpretations on it. To me, early April in New England holds the tension of spring; so close, yet so far from warmth and growth and all that we yearn for after the long winter.

But that tension will soon be released, as nature erupts with leaves and blossoms unfurling and the landscape seems to change daily.

As we impatiently await the fancy tulips and daffodils planted last fall, Northern growers with cover and climate control compensate our lust for flowers. I will have a small assortment available at the final Berwick Winter Farmers' Market this Sunday, April 14. Come pick up something to get you through! These spring flowers will also be available for centerpieces or host gifts for Easter and Passover celebrations.

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